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Detailed official data on Wales

Detailed official data on Wales

StatsWales is a free-to-use service that allows you to view, manipulate, create and download tables from Welsh data.


Data Provider: Welsh Government
Waiting times by month
National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government
Suspected cancer pathway (closed pathways): The number of pathways where the patient started their first definitive treatment and those informed they do not have cancer by local health board, tumour site, age group, sex, measure and month
National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government
Diagnostic and Therapy Services Waiting Times by week, November 2019 onwards
National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government
Patient pathways waiting to start treatment by month, grouped weeks and stage of pathway
National Statistics
Data Provider: Welsh Government
Percentage of patient pathways waiting to start treatment within target time by month and grouped weeks, January 2018 onwards
National Statistics
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