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National Survey for Wales

This is a large-scale survey of adults in Wales, covering a range of topics such as wellbeing and people’s views on public services. The main reporting year runs from April each year to March the following year, with detailed results published annually in May / June each year. The tables on StatsWales are based on fieldwork carried out between January 2012 and April 2015. There is no National Survey in 2015-16; it will restart in 2016-17 covering a wider range of topics.

For the latest results from the National Survey, please visit the link on the left called “April 2014 to March 2015”.

For topics that were included in two years of the survey, it was possible to combine the datasets to produce some more detailed results. To view these results please visit the link on the left called “April 2012 to March 2014 (combined data)”.

For topics that were included in three years of the survey, it was possible to combine the datasets to produce a selection of survey results for small demographic groups, such as ethnicity, religion, and smaller age bands.To see these results please visit the link on the left called “April 2012 to March 2015 (combined data)”.

More information about the survey can be found via the link below.