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WIMD 2014

WIMD 2014 revised - 12 August 2015
The Department for Work and Pensions discovered an error in the income indicator data they had provided for the income domain of WIMD which relates to the accidental exclusion of some data on tax credits.
The 'Note of key changes' provides more information on the details of the revision.

The results from the WIMD 2014 are available to download here. For details on how to use the index, please see the Guidance document on the WIMD homepage accessed via the link below. The indicator values are also available in the Indicator Analysis folder at various geography levels.
Note that the first lookup below matches residential postcodes to LSOAs, while the second matches postcodes to Communities First Clusters, excluding postcodes that do not fall within one. In doing so, postcodes that cross LSOA or CF Cluster boundaries are split according to the proportion of residential dwellings either side of the boundary. This differs from standard “best-fit” practice of allocating a whole postcode to a single area based on where the majority of population lies, and is necessary in this case as due to their relatively small size, the data for the individual LSOAs / CF clusters may be disproportionately affected by any misallocation involved in such a “best-fit” approach.
