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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Killed or Seriously Injured road accidents by area and year
[Collapse]Severity 1[Filtered]
Severity 2[Filter]
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
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Wales[Collapse]North Wales police force375333301271305295201228282359313276326287310361296
North Wales police forceIsle of Anglesey2932252831182826262843263130243625
[Collapse]Dyfed Powys police force481460466424441408322324310301295275314280248282309
Dyfed Powys police forcePowys14415616913315013012010810610410210112210087115115
[Collapse]South Wales police force342390347378413395391428381342310286304236285331330
South Wales police forceSwansea4458575964648489757168626648626656
Neath Port Talbot4850455345274761564540403329313838
The Vale of Glamorgan3331354154482538364039212423293931
Rhondda Cynon Taf668977901061177281655446475245615054
Merthyr Tydfil141810112181214191515191318132417
[Collapse]Gwent police force27325324124219420419117019418914311413810315712796
Gwent police forceCaerphilly7470695645536149615236313031422632
Blaenau Gwent313823201816212728251714161216125



Accidents by severity, Welsh local authorities and police force areas

Last update

28/06/2016 28/06/2016

Next update

June 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Reported road accidents system, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

General description

The statistics refer to casualties resulting from personal injury accidents on public roads reported to the police and forwarded to the Welsh Government. Road Accident Data contains details of the accident, the number of vehicles involved and information on casualties.
Accident data contains: the description and location, the number of casualties and vehicles, severity of accident, type of road and contributory factors.
Vehicle description: includes details of vehicle type, age of driver/rider.
Casualty description: provides details of the severity of casualty, casualty class and age.
The Data Dictionary provides a detailed breakdown description of the variables that are included in all three categories.

Data collection and calculation

The police compile statistical data about road traffic accidents and casualties (called Stats19 data) for the Welsh Government and the Department for Transport (DfT). This follows police attendance at accidents that involve any personal injury, together with members of the public reporting personal injury accidents directly to the police. The figures are based on information available to the Welsh Government 14 weeks after the end of the latest quarter. The Stats19 data are a set of numeric and alphabet characters.
A casualty is defined as, a person killed or injured in an accident. One accident may give rise to several casualties. Casualties and accidents are subdivided into killed, seriously injured and slightly injured categories.
Casualties reported as killed include only those cases where death occurs in less than 30 days as a result of the accident. They do not include those who died as a result of natural causes (e.g. heart attack) rather than as a result of the accident, nor do they include confirmed suicides.
The classification of each accident is the most seriously injured casualty. For example if there are 5 casualties but only 1 fatality, the accident is classed as a fatal.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

1999 to 2015


Transport Road Accidents Collisions Fatal Killed Serious Slight Police Police-recorded

