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Data Provider: Welsh Government Overseas residents tourism to Wales by measure area of residence and year of travel
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Click here to sort2003Click here to sort2004Click here to sort2005Liverpool and Prestwick airports were introduced into the IPS sample in 2005 and changes made to the processing systems in order to prevent over-estimates or under-estimates of traffic occurring at a regional level. Any comparisons of IPS results for 2005 with earlier years therefore should be made with care.Click here to sort2006Click here to sort2007Click here to sort2008Click here to sort2009The weighting and imputation methodology employed in the IPS was revised in 2009. See notes in Appendix B for details.Annex B of Travel Trends 2009 (ONS) available at here to sort2010
[Collapse]Visit (thousands)North America144168133168134106117116
of which EU 25EU25 - From 1 May 2004, the following 10 countries joined the European Union: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.565652658773664766678600
of which EU 15EU15 denotes the existing member countries of the European Union as at 30 April 2004.535594606709603618618534
Other Countries151149146145164151157137
Total World8941,0139731,1369871,065991890
[Collapse]Spending (£ millions)Channel Islands and transit passengers are excluded from spending figures.North America4440385361324950
of which EU 25EU25 - From 1 May 2004, the following 10 countries joined the European Union: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.156187199213197194202186
of which EU 15EU15 denotes the existing member countries of the European Union as at 30 April 2004.149177182199171170183173
Other Countries6168567874726975
Total World269311312361339314332333


[026226]: Overseas residents visits to Wales by area of residence and year of travel

Welsh Government

The International Passenger Survey (IPS) is a sample survey so results are subject to sampling error. The figures shown also include an allowance for non response so results may not match exactly figures published elsewhere.

Last update: September 2011

Source: International Passenger Survey, Office for National Statistics

