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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Population projections by age group and year
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All ages2,9522,9642,9772,9903,0013,0133,0253,0373,0503,0623,0753,0883,1023,1153,1283,1413,1533,1653,1773,1893,1993,2103,2193,2283,2363,243
Age 0 to 4159159159161162162162162163163164165166167167168168168168167167166165164163162
Age 5 to 9178176173168165164164164166166167166167167168169169170171172172172172172172171
Age 10 to 14195193190187185182179176172169167167168169170170170170171171172173174175175176
Age 15 to 19199200202203202200198195192190187184181176173172172172174175175175175176176177
Age 20 to 24186189192197201204205207208206205202199196194191189186181178177177177179180180
Age 25 to 29156160166171177182185187192196199199202202201199197194191189186183180176173171
Age 30 to 34186179171164160160164170175181186188191196200202203205206205203201198195193190
Age 35 to 39211207206203198191185177170165166170176180187191194197201206208209211212211209
Age 40 to 44211216218218217215212210207202196189181174170170175180185191196198201206210212
Age 45 to 49191195199204208213218220220219217214212209205198192184177172173177183187193198
Age 50 to 54191188187189191193196201205210215219221221220218215213211206200194186179175175
Age 55 to 59205208209201196193190189190192194198202207211216220222223221219217215212208202
Age 60 to 64166172178190198203205206199194191188188189191193196201205209214218220221220218
Age 65 to 69145147148150155160166172183191195198199192187185183182183185187191195199203208
Age 70 to 74125126126128131133135137139144149154160171178182185186180176174171171172174176
Age 75 to 79106105105105105106107108111113116118120123127132136142152158162165166161157155
Age 80 to 84828281807979808081828384868991949698100104108113117126132135
Aged 85 to 893942454850515151515151525354555658606264666870727578
Aged 90 to 941717171716171920222324242425252626272829303132343637
Aged 95 to 99444445555556677788889910101111
Aged 100 and over00111111111111111111222222


POPU1007: 2004-based principal population projections fo Wales, 2004 to 2029

Knowledge and Analytical Services, Welsh Government

Added to StatsWales: October 2005.
Source: Government Actuary's Department (GAD)

All figures are in thousands.

This table provides the population by the following categories (the data can be found by using the interactive drill down method):

Gender: All persons, males & females,
Age-group: Quinary age-groups,
Year: Mid year population for 2004 through to 2029

The Government Actuary’s Department produces ‘full’ population projections by age and sex for the United Kingdom and constituent countries every two years, although an 'interim' set as produced in 2003. These 'full' projections are based on a review of all the underlying assumptions regarding fertility, mortality and net migration.

2004-based variant projections are produced based on different combinations of alternative assumptions of future fertility, mortality and migration. These are available on the GAD website -

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