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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Age distribution of population by gender and year
[Collapse]Local authorityLocal authorities in Wales [Filtered]
Local authority 1[Filter]
YearEstimates from 2001 relate to 30 June of each year, while estimates for earlier years (1871 - 2001 Censuses) relate to the Census date in that year (March or April). (Ascending)[Filtered]
[Collapse]Age group[Filter]
Age group 1
Gender 1
Click here to sortCensus 1871Taken from the Census carried out on 2 April 1871Click here to sortCensus 1901Taken from the Census carried out on 31 March 1901Click here to sortCensus 1931Taken from the Census carried out on 26 April 1931Click here to sortCensus 1961Taken from the Census carried out on 23 April 1961Click here to sortCensus 1971Taken from the Census carried out on 25 April 1971Click here to sortCensus 1981Taken from the Census carried out on 5 April 1981Click here to sortCensus 1991Taken from the Census carried out on 21 April 1991Click here to sortCensus 2001Taken from the Census carried out on 29 April 2001Click here to sortMid-year 2011Click here to sortMid-year 2012Click here to sortMid-year 2013Click here to sortMid-year 2014
[Collapse]All ages100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0
All agesAged 0 to 14[Collapse]Persons36.933.926.623.323.720.919.218.916.916.916.816.8
Aged 15 to 29[Collapse]Persons25.627.724.818.920.321.520.717.919.419.519.419.3
Aged 30 to 44[Collapse]Persons17.319.
Aged 45 to 64[Collapse]Persons15.014.520.825.725.023.122.624.926.626.426.326.3
Aged 65 to 74[Collapse]Persons3.
Aged over 75[Collapse]Persons1.



Population distribution by broad age bands (1871 onwards), by Welsh local authorities and gender

Last update

25 June 2015 25 June 2015

Next update

June 2016 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Mid-year population estimates, Office for National Statistics

Source 2

1871 Census, 1901 Census, 1931 Census, 1961-2001 Censuses

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

General description

This dataset provides the percentage of the population in Wales in each of several broad age bands since the 1871 Census by gender. Data for individual local authorities are also included from 2001 onwards.

This material is Crown Copyright and may be re-used (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

Data collection and calculation

See weblinks

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are produced and reported annually and relate to the 30 June of each year for a number of the Census years from 1871 and for each year from 2001 onwards.

Users, uses and context

The data presented here are used to understand the changing age structure of the Welsh population over the short and longer term. Since 2001, data are included for Welsh local authorities as well as Wales allowing short term change in age structure to be analysed for each local authority.

Rounding applied

Data are rounded to the nearest 0.1 of a percentage point and as a result may not total 100% when added over all age groups. The unrounded data behind the estimates for 2001 onwards can be found in the estimates folder in the same part of the StatsWales catalogue.

Revisions information

The data presented here reflect changes made to population estimates from 2001 to 2010 in re-basing the data to be consistent with the results of the 2011 Census (see weblinks).

Statistical quality

See weblinks


Population; age distribution

