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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Components of population change, by local authority and component
PeriodTime period running from 30 June in the first year to 30 June in the following year.[Filtered]
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]ComponentComponent of population change during the period, together with the start and end of period populations.[Filter]
[Collapse]Component 1
[Collapse]Component 2
Component 3
[Collapse]Local authorityLocal authorities in Wales.[Filter]
Local authority 1
[Collapse]Population at end of periodThis is calculated by adding natural change, net migration and other unattributable change during the period to the population at the start of the period.  It equates to the Registrar General\'s estimates of resident population at 30 June at the end of the period.Click here to sortPopulation at end of periodThis is calculated by adding natural change, net migration and other unattributable change during the period to the population at the start of the period.  It equates to the Registrar General\'s estimates of resident population at 30 June at the end of the period.
[Expand]Click here to sortPopulation at start of periodRegistrar General\'s estimates of resident population at 30 June at the start of the period[Collapse]Natural change during periodThis is calculated as births during the period less deaths during the period.Click here to sortNatural change during periodThis is calculated as births during the period less deaths during the period.[Collapse]Net migration and other changes during periodInward migration (inflow) less outward migration (outflow) from/to outside the area; includes changes to the size of armed forces and prison populations and other, small, adjustmentsClick here to sortNet migration and other changes during periodInward migration (inflow) less outward migration (outflow) from/to outside the area; includes changes to the size of armed forces and prison populations and other, small, adjustments
[Expand]Click here to sortBirths during periodNumber of live births during period[Expand]Click here to sortDeaths during periodNumber of deaths during period, not including still births[Collapse]Net internal migration during periodInward internal migration (inflow) less outward internal migration (outflow) from/to outside the areaClick here to sortNet internal migration during periodInward internal migration (inflow) less outward internal migration (outflow) from/to outside the area[Collapse]Net international migration during periodInward international migration (inflow) less outward international migration (outflow) from/to outside the areaClick here to sortNet international migration during periodInward international migration (inflow) less outward international migration (outflow) from/to outside the area[Expand]Click here to sortOther changes, including unattributable changes, during periodThese include changes to the size of armed forces and prison populations and other, small, adjustments. Unattributable elements relate to any potential inaccuracy around components arising in the period between Censuses. For more information please see the document
Click here to sortInward internal migration (Inflow)Click here to sortOutward internal migration (Outflow)Click here to sortInward international migration (Inflow)Click here to sortOutward international migration(Outflow)
WalesIsle of Anglesey70,169685813-1282,2672,380-1131488860-9-6269,979
Neath Port Talbot140,4901,5071,673-1664,4053,8445612101407037668140,992
Vale of Glamorgan127,6851,3211,31474,8014,893-9229627323-31-100127,592
Rhondda Cynon Taf236,8882,7012,5661356,5376,811-274941271670-8388237,411
Merthyr Tydfil59,0657576171401,5931,5894231112119-411959,324
Blaenau Gwent69,674760808-481,7271,823-961147935-21-8269,544



Components of population change (1991 onwards), by Welsh local authorities

Last update

23 June 2016 23 June 2016

Next update

June 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Mid-year population estimates, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

General description

This dataset provides the components of change within the official population estimates for the local authorities in Wales. These estimates are consistent with the results of the 2011 Census and show the contributions that natural change (births less deaths); different elements of migration and other smaller adjustments make to the changing population estimates in each local authority over the period since 1991.

This material is Crown Copyright and may be re-used (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

Data collection and calculation

See weblinks

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are produced and reported annually and relate to the change between 30 June of successive years from 1991 onwards.

Users, uses and context

The data presented here are used by central government departments and local authorities for a range of purposes including planning and monitoring of services.

Rounding applied

Data are provided on an unrounded basis although the Office for National Statistics advises that any results presented from these data are rounded to the nearest 100 where practical.

Revisions information

The data presented here reflect changes made to population estimates from 2001 to 2010 in re-basing the data to be consistent with the results of the 2011 Census (see weblinks).

Statistical quality

See weblinks


Population; births; deaths; natural change; international migration; internal migration; components of change

