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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Values of the individual variables used in the SSA model, Wales
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Dispersion threshold 300 (2001)3,029,899.123,029,899.123,029,899.123,029,899.123,029,899.123,029,899.12
Dispersion threshold 7,500 (2001)14,527,902.7114,527,902.7114,527,902.7114,527,902.7114,527,902.7114,527,902.71
Expenditure on preserved rights for adults.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Total income support, jobseeker's allowance and pension credit claimants322,750.83324,662.50322,673.33308,259.17286,500.83256,860.00
Boyd Loophole Caseloads.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Persons aged under 18 with a limiting long-term illness.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Length of artificially protected coastline119.45116.38116.38116.38116.59116.76
Council Tax Benefits.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable241,992,801.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Council Tax Reduction Schemes Caseload.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable329,181.67316,282.00307,137.00
Council Tax Reduction Schemes expenditure.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable246,966,543.00247,886,441.00250,423,927.31
Cymorth Core Costs Grant5,500,000.005,500,000.005,500,000.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Datatank Forecast.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable216,465,324.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Number of deaths from all causes31,006.0031,197.0030,426.0031,502.0032,138.0031,439.00
Debt Financing.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable302,949,321.00306,417,811.00
Dependent children in lone adult households141,102.00141,102.00141,102.00141,102.00141,102.00141,102.00
Dependent children in overcrowded housing56,064.0056,064.0056,064.0056,064.0056,064.0056,064.00
Dependent children in families receiving income support.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Dependent children in households where head is in a low occupational classification205,580.00205,580.00205,580.00205,580.00205,580.00205,580.00
Dependent children in out of work families140,850.00144,600.00141,800.00139,800.00145,100.00138,700.00
Dependent children in social rented housing146,568.00146,568.00146,568.00146,568.00146,568.00146,568.00
Deprivation Grant22,000.0022,000.0022,000.0022,000.0022,000.0022,000.00
Detrunked roads.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
DFG Mandatory Grant Applications4,467.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Severe disablement allowance and disability living allowance claimants aged 18-64154,525.00153,939.17152,393.33149,858.33146,168.33138,725.00
Dispersion threshold 2,500 (1991)1,478,310,914.001,478,310,914.001,478,310,914.001,478,310,914.001,478,310,914.001,478,310,914.00
Dispersion threshold 5,000 (1991)2,233,291,122.002,233,291,122.002,233,291,122.002,233,291,122.002,233,291,122.002,233,291,122.00
Dispersion threshold 7,500 (1991)2,380,077,444.002,380,077,444.002,380,077,444.002,380,077,444.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Land drainage levies1,377,121.001,353,866.001,368,358.001,317,001.001,311,541.001,061,005.00
All dwellings1,372,972.001,380,990.001,387,780.001,395,770.001,403,140.001,408,240.00
Index-weighted working age population1,301,984.001,301,378.001,301,527.001,318,629.001,318,332.001,317,346.00
Expenditure on preserved rights for elderly.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Enhanced population (projected) (based on MYE prior to 2011-12)3,432,496.003,466,996.003,486,545.003,508,907.003,526,843.003,554,639.00
Adults aged 18 to 64 in non-white ethnic groups36,385.0036,385.0036,385.0036,385.0036,385.0036,385.00
Fire pensions transfer.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Sea fisheries levies.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Traffic Flow7,640,715,747.007,485,445,331.007,540,902,555.007,472,845,703.007,326,073,998.007,572,540,678.00
Food premises40,725.0041,425.0041,140.0041,271.0041,271.0042,260.00
Civil Contingencies.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Cymorth Grant.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Early Years Grant.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Learning disabilities strategy grant.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Cash limits for magistrates' courts committees.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Total homelessness decisions.The data item is not applicable13,355.0014,071.6714,890.0015,398.3315,128.33
Housing Benefit Recipients.The data item is not applicable235,155.83243,858.75250,055.96251,607.13249,251.38
Housing General Capital Funding.The data item is not applicable53,863.0043,571.0043,571.0043,571.0043,571.00
Integrated Family Support Service.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable4,577.004,577.00
Population of LSOAs that are in the top 25% of WIMD values (employment domain).The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population of LSOAs that are in the top 50% of WIMD values (employment domain).The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population of LSOAs that are in the top 25% of WIMD values (income domain).The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population of LSOAs that are in the top 50% of WIMD values (income domain).The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Key stage 2 assessments.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Learning Disabilities Resettlement Grant.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable32,905,523.0032,905,523.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Local Government Borrowing Initiative - Highways Improvement.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable156,480,001.70156,480,001.70156,480,001.70156,480,001.70
Local Government Borrowing Initiative - 21st Century schools.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable8,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Street lighting units379,139.00380,081.00382,271.00388,298.00389,616.00386,866.00
Households where head is aged 18 to 64 with no carer954,274.00954,274.00954,274.00954,274.00954,274.00954,274.00
Population aged 16 to 18 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12) other than at school84,648.0082,706.0082,284.0083,280.0081,761.0078,713.00
Nursing care.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
New Weighted Road Length38,597.0238,663.1538,736.8638,782.4838,803.5938,838.21
Children in families claiming IS, JSA or tax credits (2003).The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Old weighted road length.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
National park levies3,633,333.333,820,086.003,767,610.003,475,666.673,322,334.003,175,000.00
Pensioners who are head of households in owner-occupied houses.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Income support and Pension Credit Claimants aged 65 and over (60 and over prior to 2005-06)138,252.50137,608.33136,825.00134,718.33131,593.33127,130.00
Pensioners living in households which lack central heating and/or the exclusive use of basic amenities.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Pensioners with a limiting long-term illness296,925.00296,925.00296,925.00296,925.00296,925.00296,925.00
Pensioners living alone in households171,110.00171,110.00171,110.00171,110.00171,110.00171,110.00
Private Finance Initiative.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable30,695,049.0029,812,546.0028,930,044.00
Planning applications received28,080.0024,600.0022,990.0022,337.0022,566.0023,603.00
Population, all ages (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)3,037,597.003,053,911.003,070,522.003,103,435.003,117,238.003,131,170.00
Adults with a limiting long-term illness.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Adults living alone in households.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population in households where head is in low socio-economic group.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population aged 11 to 20 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)378,093.00371,592.00363,541.00362,727.00356,729.00353,281.00
Population aged 18 to 64 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)1,839,504.001,837,323.001,835,532.001,857,890.001,859,937.001,861,903.00
Population aged 3 to 11 (projected)300,457.00304,121.00307,951.00312,685.00317,810.00322,281.00
Population aged 3 to 16 (projected)481,836.00482,633.00483,423.00484,071.00484,996.00486,802.00
Population aged 4 to 11.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population aged 5 to 16.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population aged 16 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)2,485,237.002,500,752.002,516,925.002,546,621.002,558,378.002,568,909.00
Population aged 18 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)2,410,113.002,426,686.002,442,415.002,472,203.002,486,240.002,498,823.00
Population aged 60 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)774,619.00785,581.00797,015.00801,307.00810,569.00820,709.00
Population aged 85 and over (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)78,867.0080,796.0082,181.0080,080.0082,129.0084,364.00
Population aged under 18.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population aged under 60 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12)2,262,979.002,268,330.002,273,509.002,302,132.002,306,675.002,310,462.00
Post 16 SEN Mainstream Grant.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable4,201,498.004,201,497.15.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Post 16 SEN Special Schools and Out of County Grant.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable24,215,438.4924,215,438.49.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Area per modelled primary school index25,169.2525,198.3825,203.3625,203.4125,203.3425,203.34
Primary school pupils eligible for free school meals47,135.0049,619.0047,042.0047,928.0047,269.0047,125.00
Primary school pupils and modelled nursery school pupils242,963.00243,682.00245,608.00249,109.50254,047.50257,423.00
Secondary school pupils in year groups 7 to 11 (aged under 16 prior to 2010-11)174,098.00171,342.00169,226.00166,340.00161,258.00158,384.00
Secondary school pupils eligible for free school meals31,763.0030,268.0029,548.0029,598.0028,375.0027,664.00
Population aged 11 to 15 (projected) (MYE prior to 2011-12) and secondary school pupils in year groups 12 to 14 (aged 16 to 18 prior to 2011-12)207,701.00204,738.00199,463.00195,765.00193,171.00192,213.00
Secondary school pupils in year groups 10 and 11 (aged 14 and 15 prior to 2010-11)70,181.0068,685.0069,838.0069,716.0067,201.0065,048.00
Weighted housing renovation grant applications received.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Residential allowance claimants.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Area per modelled secondary school index211,074.62211,362.32211,390.71211,390.84211,390.24211,390.24
Settlement threshold 1,0001,042,119.001,042,119.001,042,119.001,042,119.001,042,119.001,042,119.00
Settlement threshold 12,5001,694,007.001,694,007.001,694,007.001,694,007.001,694,007.001,694,007.00
Settlement threshold 30,0002,019,764.002,019,764.002,019,764.002,019,764.002,019,764.002,019,764.00
Settlement threshold 40,0002,228,457.002,228,457.002,228,457.002,228,457.002,228,457.002,228,457.00
Population within settlement threshold 50,000474,180.00474,180.00474,180.00474,180.00474,180.00474,180.00
Settlement threshold 7,5001,477,233.001,477,233.001,477,233.001,477,233.001,477,233.001,477,233.00
Ships arriving at ports7,728.007,728.009,353.008,276.008,503.008,511.00
Strategy for Older People Grant1,000,000.001,000,000.001,000,000.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Private Dwelling Stock Estimates1,118,605.00.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Trading premises114,834.00115,404.00114,855.00116,807.00117,112.00119,370.00
Population aged under 18 with a double weighting for those aged under 8.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Population aged under 18 in wards with weighted density greater than the Welsh average286,017.00286,017.00286,017.00286,017.00286,017.00286,017.00
Income support claimants aged under 60.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Income support, job seekers allowance and pension credit claimants aged 18-64183,042.50185,821.67184,780.00172,618.33154,180.83129,068.33
Urban road length11,295.4411,373.3411,414.5411,445.6311,486.3011,535.99
Weighted road length.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Weighted homelessness cases3,174.96.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable



Welsh Local Government Revenue Settlement: Values of the individual variables used in the standard spending assessment (SSA) model

Last update

April 2016 April 2016

Next update

March 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Local Government Settlement, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

This collection of tables and information is intended as general background to the calculation of standard spending assessments (SSAs). It should be viewed as a statistical companion to The Local Government Finance Report. These tables show individual authority SSA broken down into service categories. It must be remembered that this breakdown is only for the purpose of calculating the total SSA. The indicator based assessments (IBAs) for each service category are in no way intended as spending targets. The ability of local authorities to set their own spending priorities is an important part of the Welsh revenue support grant distribution system. Therefore, the service IBAs shown in this report are not intended for use in determining individual authorities' budgeted expenditure on particular services.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh Local Authorities.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2004-05 onwards.

Statistical quality

See weblinks


The associated statistical releases can be found via the links at the following webpage:
A statistical quality report relating to all Local Government Finance statistical releases can be found at the following webpage:


Local Government Finance, standard spending assessment

