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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Assessments and resolved hazards by area, type of assessment and dwelling
Area Code[Filter]
AssessmentBoth the total number of assessments and the number of Category 1 resolutions are only available from 2009-10 onwards.<br /><br />Similarly, the number of Category 2 hazards found in HMOs was only collected from 2008-09 onwards. <br /><br />An HMO or non-HMO with both Category 1 and 2 hazards is counted in both rows. An HMO or non-HMO with multiple Category 1 hazards is only counted in the Category 1 row once, similarly for an HMO or non-HMO with multiple Category 2 hazards.<br /><br />Only initial assessments are included in the total number of assessments. [Filter]
[Collapse]DwellingFor the purposes of this data collection an HMO means a house in multiple occupation as defined in sections 254 to 259 of the Housing Act 2004, as a building or part of a building which: (<br />i) Meets the standard test; <br />(ii) Meets the self-contained flat test; <br />(iii) Meets the converted building test; <br />(iv) Has a HMO declaration in force; or <br />(v) Is a converted block of flats [Filter]
Dwelling 1
Area 1
[Collapse]Total assessments[Collapse]Assessments which: Contained category 1 hazards[Collapse]Assessments which: Contained category 2 hazards[Collapse]Number of HMOs and non-HMOs where all category 1 hazards have been resolved as a result of local authority action
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortNon-HMOsClick here to sortHMOsClick here to sortNon-HMOsClick here to sortHMOsClick here to sortNon-HMOsClick here to sortHMOsClick here to sortNon-HMOsClick here to sortHMOs
[Collapse]WalesCare should be taken when using data for Flintshire for 2014-15, and the calculated Wales total in comparison to previous years.3,9522,6776,6291,3657292,0942,1131,6773,7901,0614821,543
WalesCare should be taken when using data for Flintshire for 2014-15, and the calculated Wales total in comparison to previous years.Isle of Anglesey60868483514845212012
FlintshireIn 2014-15, Flintshire was unable to provide data on the number of assessments and resolved hazards.  Therefore, 2013-14 has been used for 2014-15 to provide a more accurate Wales level total.  Care should be taken when using data for Flintshire for 2014-15, and the calculated Wales total in comparison to previous years.958103555605805848452
Neath Port Talbot23225171181711810010
Vale of Glamorgan33114431104133114427835
Rhondda Cynon Taf611131742523484586131341246
Merthyr Tydfil2718451892724184216824
Blaenau Gwent72072680686506572072



Assessments and resolved hazards

Last update

28 January 2016 28 January 2016

Next update

January 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Hazards and licences data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

The information presented here covers the condition of residential properties, including Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), assessed by local authorities under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS).

The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) is used to determine whether residential premises are safe to live in. It replaced the Fitness Standard in July 2006. Local authorities use the System to determine whether a hazard exists that may cause harm to the health and safety of a potential occupant. Hazards are divided into two categories. Those which score high on the scale (and therefore the greatest risk) are called Category 1 hazards. Those that fall lower down the scale and pose a lesser risk are called Category 2 hazards. Where a condition is classified as a Category 1 hazard the local authority has a duty to take the appropriate enforcement action. If it poses a Category 2 hazard the local authority may take enforcement action.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh planning authorities on Hazards & Licences during each year.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 2006-07.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.


Housing, Hazards, Licences, Houses in Multiple Occupation, (HMOs), Category 1, Category 2

