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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Renewal areas by local authority area and number
Area Code[Filter]
NumberData on the number of renewal areas and the number of dwelling within a renewal area is only available as a Wales total prior to 1999-00. From 1999-00 the data is available for each Local Authority. [Filter]
[Collapse]AreaData on the number of renewal areas and the number of dwellings within a renewal area is only available as a Wales total prior to 1999-00. From 1999-00 the data is available for each Local Authority.  [Filter]
Area 1
Click here to sortNumber of renewal areas in operationClick here to sortNumber of dwellings within renewal areasClick here to sortAmount of Specific Capital Grant allocated
WalesIsle of Anglesey000
Neath Port Talbot23,875920,695
Vale of Glamorgan11,292677,981
Rhondda Cynon Taf000
Merthyr Tydfil11,494799,338
Blaenau Gwent000



Renewal areas by local authority area and number

Last update

10 February 2016 10 February 2016

Next update

February 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Renewal areas data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

The information presented here relates to renewal areas funded primarily by local authorities. The information is collected in order to establish the amount spent annually across Wales on renewal areas and the number of dwellings that have been improved. This data provides monitoring information for the Welsh Government in order to evaluate the effectiveness of renewal area programmes and to help develop future policy for area based renewal.

Local authorities can offer homeowners financial help with home improvement and repair. This can include grants and loans for acquiring, adapting, improving, repairing, demolishing and replacing accommodation. In many cases, this assistance is targeted at vulnerable groups such as the disabled or elderly. This assistance is referred to as private sector renewal activity.

Area based renewal schemes enable local authorities to focus activity and investment on areas that combine a need for assistance with the potential for regeneration. Investment in area based renewal schemes should not only secure improvements to houses themselves but also to environmental, social and economic conditions, leading to a restoration of confidence in the area. These wide ranging benefits of area renewal are also important in tackling the problems many local communities face in terms of social exclusion and sustainability. The Welsh Government provides local authorities with grants for housing renewal areas.

Renewal areas are as defined in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 as amended by the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002. These areas seek to:
1) Improve housing and general amenities of an area where social and environmental problems are combined with poor housing;
2) Develop partnerships between residents, private sector interests and the local authority;
3) Bring about regeneration, including mixed-use development; and
4) Increase confidence in the future of an area, and through this, help to reverse any process of decline.

Data collection and calculation

The information presented here is collected via annual returns from Welsh planning authorities on Renewal Areas during each year.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown for each financial year from 1990-91.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

Data prior to the last period covered have been revised since previously published. Revisions are marked in the data with an (r).

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.


Housing, Renewal Areas, Expenditure, Grants

