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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Staff of local authority social services departments by local authority and post title
[Collapse]StaffSocial work trainees do not have required or recommended qualifications. Due to this fact, and missing data for a small number of LAs in respect of qualifications, the total of full and part time staff at the Wales level sometimes exceeds the total of those with required and recommended qualifications and other staff. A similar issue with missing data affects the Welsh language speaking subsets of these data.[Filtered]
Staff 1[Filter]
[Collapse]Job titleSocial work trainees do not have required or recommended qualifications. Due to this fact, and missing data for a small number of LAs in respect of qualifications, the total of full and part time staff at the Wales level sometimes exceeds the total of those with required and recommended qualifications and other staff. A similar issue with missing data affects the Welsh language speaking subsets of these data.[Filter]
[Collapse]Job title 1
[Collapse]Job title 2
[Collapse]Job title 3
Job title 4
[Collapse]Local authority[Filter]
Local authority 1
[Collapse]Total staff (STF)Click here to sortTotal staff (STF)
[Collapse]Total Central management and support, social work and domiciliary services (STF1)Click here to sortTotal Central management and support, social work and domiciliary services (STF1)[Collapse]Total residential services (STF2)Click here to sortTotal residential services (STF2)[Collapse]Total Day/community services (STF3)Click here to sortTotal Day/community services (STF3)
[Expand]Click here to sortTotal central management and support services (CMSS)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal social work services for adults (SWSA)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal social work services for children and young people (SWSCYP)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal hospital/clinic settings (H/CS)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal domiciliary services for adults (DSA)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal domiciliary services for children (DSC)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal residential services for elderly and elderly mentally infirm people (RSEEMIP)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal residential services for adults with physical or sensory disabilities (RSAPSD)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal residential services for adults with learning disabilities (RSALD)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal residential services for adults with mental health problems (RSAMHP)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal residential services for children and young people (RSCYP)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal residential family centres[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Day/Community Services for elderly and elderly mentally infirm people (D/CSEEMIP)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Day/Community Services for adults with physical and sensory disabilities (D/CSAPSD)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Day/Community Services for adults with learning disabilities (D/CSALD)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Day/Community Services for adults with mental health problems (D/CSAMHP)[Expand]Click here to sortTotal Day/Community Services for children and families - family care centres (D/CSCFFCS)
WalesIsle of Anglesey425770114703171400000014017272320895552
Neath Port Talbot81184284037809270059012301824201272101901,299
Vale of Glamorgan9989661652032212909000138208330107168628
Rhondda Cynon Taf126273446053401,379443033067054334451342702402,162
Merthyr Tydfil6341630490216770340001111002701350377
Blaenau Gwent827210411030362590100000159068572101228749



Staff of local authority social services departments by local authority and post title

Last update

14 October 2015 14 October 2015

Next update

October 2016

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Staffing of local authority social services (STF) data collection, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

General description

This table summarises information on the directly employed staff of social services departments in Wales. Local authorities also provide services using the independent sector, whose staff are not included in these figures.

Rounding applied


Revisions information


Data collection and calculation

The data were supplied to the Data Collection team within the Welsh Government by the 22 local authorities in Wales on the Staffing data collection form. The form applies an extensive series of validation checks to ensure that the information provided is accurate and consistent.

Whole-time equivalent staff numbers are based on contractual hours, rather than those actually worked on the census day. Whole-time equivalents should be calculated on the basis of 39 (contractual) hours per week for care assistants, manual and domestic staff, and 37 hours for other staff. For part-time staff their whole-time equivalent is calculated by dividing contractual hours by 39 or 37 as appropriate.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data are shown each financial year from 2014-15

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Statistical quality

For the year 2014-15 onwards, the STF return was based on a revised Qualification Framework - . Therefore only limited comparisons with previous years can be made.

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, or alongside further information on quality and methods in the Quality Report, as per the given weblinks.


Staffing ; Social services

