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Data Provider: Welsh Government CSSIW Services and Places by Setting Type and Year
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[Collapse]Setting 1
Setting 2
Click here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of PlacesClick here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of PlacesClick here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of PlacesClick here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of PlacesClick here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of PlacesClick here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of PlacesClick here to sortTotal SettingsClick here to sortNumber of Places
[Collapse]Total - All Categories6,226104,0936,193104,7926,092104,5656,251105,0066,239105,9506,187108,6995,865109,892
Total - All Categories[Collapse]Total - Adults' Services1,61126,6421,61926,6021,59726,4601,60326,2401,59426,1911,58225,6421,58626,145
Total - Adults' ServicesAdult PlacementsPlaces are not registered in domiciliary care, nurses’ agencies, adult placement schemes and those settings and services that CSSIW do not register.13.The data item is not applicable12.The data item is not applicable12.The data item is not applicable11.The data item is not applicable11.The data item is not applicable9.The data item is not applicable80
Older Adult Care Homes70423,34069423,19968423,05067522,81667022,71365322,09264422,303
Younger Adults Care Homes4633,3024703,4034593,4104573,4244443,4784533,5504433,637
Domiciliary Care AgenciesPlaces are not registered in domiciliary care, nurses’ agencies, adult placement schemes and those settings and services that CSSIW do not register.397.The data item is not applicable407.The data item is not applicable409.The data item is not applicable422.The data item is not applicable431.The data item is not applicable426.The data item is not applicable443203
Nurses AgenciesPlaces are not registered in domiciliary care, nurses’ agencies, adult placement schemes and those settings and services that CSSIW do not register.34.The data item is not applicable36.The data item is not applicable33.The data item is not applicable38.The data item is not applicable38.The data item is not applicable41.The data item is not applicable482
[Collapse]Total - Children's Day Care4,42475,2974,38376,0334,29675,9444,44676,5904,43977,5814,38680,8404,02581,233
Total - Children's Day CareChildminders2,38912,1332,34812,0812,28911,8622,45612,7392,43712,7202,41615,5522,06315,075
Full Day Care57223,83760025,24862626,31864827,02365327,50567728,62271330,058
Sessional Day Care81017,65679817,58977217,24077717,35178517,67876417,21175016,865
Out of School Care51517,48450016,88647916,54747416,74747216,80844516,51843115,595
Open Access Play Provision883,330913,427883,228582,087592,187562,348432,979
[Collapse]Total - Children's Services1912,1541912,1571992,1612022,1762062,1782192,2172542,514
Total - Children's ServicesChildren's Homes119576119586125578129595135597144637159716
Fostering Services47.The data item is not applicable47.The data item is not applicable49.The data item is not applicable50.The data item is not applicable48.The data item is not applicable49.The data item is not applicable470
Adoption ServicesThis information is not automatically generated from the business system.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable220
Boarding Schools101,161101,161111,17591,173101,341111,341111,573
Residential Special Schools12247122401123811238112381223811225
Further Education Colleges3170317031703170223140



Total of all services by local authority, by services and places, quarterly

Last update

May 2016 May 2016

Next update

May 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Registration and regulatory business system, Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Summary statistics on the numbers of organisations and individuals regulated by CSSIW by local authority, by services and places - quarterly

Data collection and calculation

Source: CSSIW registration and regulatory business system

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Quarterly: Q1- April to June; Q2 - July to September; Q3 - October to December; Q4 - January to March

Users, uses and context

We believe the key users of information on regulated services in Wales (apart from CSSIW’s core use) are:
• Welsh Government Ministers
• Department for Health and Social Services
• Assembly Members and the Members’ Research Service in the National Assembly for Wales
• National Health Service
• The Office for National Statistics
• Local government unitary authorities (elected members and officials)
• Students, academics and universities,
• Other areas of the Welsh Government
• Other government departments
• Individual citizens and private companies.
Apart from CSSIW’s core use of the information these statistics are used in a variety of ways. Some examples of these include:
• Advice to Ministers
• Unitary authority comparisons and benchmarking
• To inform debate in the National Assembly for Wales and beyond
• To provide information to commissioners of care services

Rounding applied

No rounding has been applied.

Revisions information

Some of the data in this release may have been revised since its last publication in the Chief Inspector’s annual report.
However, as data is taken from an administrative system and gives a picture of activity recorded at a specific date, data will not be revised each quarter.

Statistical quality

Registration, de-registration and changes to registration occur throughout the year although in general the number of services registered at any one time is fairly consistent.



Services; Places

