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Data Provider: Welsh Government Vacancies by area of work and date

Posts vacant for 3 months or more

[Collapse]OrganisationFrom 1st October 2009, reforms took place across NHS organisations in Wales, involving a number of organisation mergers and renaming of organisations. Full details of the reforms can be found at[Filter]
[Collapse]Organisation 1[Filter]
Organisation 2[Filter]
[Collapse]SpecialtyareaNew occupation codes<br />The introduction of new occupation codes (effective from 1 July 2003) has resulted in a discontinuity for some areas of work. The main change occurs in the ‘Scientific and technical staff\’ staff group where some areas of work have been refined by adding a group of codes for \'Healthcare Scientists\’. [Filter]
[Collapse]Specialtyarea 1
Specialtyarea 2
Click here to sort31 March 2010Click here to sort30 September 2010Cardiff and Vale University LHB has reported no vacancies for 30 September 2010 and did not submit data. Therefore Cardiff and Vale University LHB is not included in the calculations for the percentage of all posts vacant at 30 September 2010.Click here to sort31 March 2011
[Collapse]All staff242.9101.585.9
All staff[Expand]All consultants39.211.045.1
[Expand]Other doctors and dentists80.521.012.0
[Expand]All qualified nurses, midwives and HVs65.111.20.0
[Expand]Unqualified Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors0.00.00.0
[Expand]All qualified Allied Health Professionals4.33.74.4
[Expand]All qualified Scientific and Technical staff3.00.01.5
[Expand]Unqualified ST & T Staff0.03.81.4
[Expand]All qualified Healthcare Scientists0.52.05.0
[Expand]Unqualified healthcare scientific staff0.00.00.0
[Expand]All other staff50.448.816.6
[Expand]Qualified nurses, midwives and HVs: Schoool nursing0.00.00.0


Hlth0429 NHS staff vacancies

Health Statistics and Analysis Unit, Welsh Government

Last Update: 30 August 2011

Next Update: This data collection and publication were stopped following a user consultation in October 2011.


This table provides data on whole-time equivalent NHS staff vacancies which had remained unfilled for three months. Data is shown by staff group, area of work and employing organisation.


