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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information Nursing staff by grade and year
[Collapse]Area Of Work[Filtered]
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Grade 1
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[Collapse]All nursing staff61,181.261,160.260,736.760,879.361,234.361,247.262,047.5
All nursing staffNurse Manager1,090.11,143.51,132.01,094.21,113.01,115.11,176.8
Nurse Consultant112.963.062.064.764.357.743.1
Children's Nurse661.6557.6582.0526.1468.4460.5438.6
Registered Midwife2,764.22,639.52,646.52,763.82,813.32,957.22,949.0
Health Visitor1,750.51,710.91,683.91,754.61,913.41,890.61,991.7
District nurse / CPN / CLDN - 1st level1,795.91,860.01,695.41,618.81,456.91,289.81,094.7
District nurse / CPN / CLDN - 2nd level20.38.29.721.
Qualified School Nurse94.187.3115.7117.7121.1169.0166.2
Other 1st level nurse38,401.338,833.238,762.638,811.139,195.439,296.139,740.5
Other 2nd level nurse307.8283.0262.4239.9169.5123.897.8
Modern Matron3.8.The data item is not applicable23.859.777.381.486.9
Nursing Assistant Practitioner3.63.615.028.941.249.061.2
Nursery Nurse491.4557.8584.7554.7549.0543.3539.5
Nursing Assistant / Auxiliary13,565.713,252.313,002.513,079.913,045.513,062.713,544.8
Nurse Learner - pre registration51.563.
Nurse Learner - post registration (1st level)66.697.4126.5138.0167.9137.093.7



NHS nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff, by grade and area of work

Last update

11 May 2016 11 May 2016

Next update

March 2017 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

NHS electronic staff record

Source 2

Workforce Services, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Contact email


Management information

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

General description

Assignment count and Full-time equivalent of directly employed NHS staff by grade and area of work. General Medical and Dental Practitioners are excluded as they are independent NHS contractors.

Data collection and calculation

Extracted from the NHS Electronic Staff Record system. Staff groups and areas of work are determined from NHS occupational codes - see linked manual for more detail.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

30 September

Users, uses and context

See linked publication.

Rounding applied

Full-time equivalents are rounded to 1 decimal place.

Revisions information

There are no planned revisions.

Statistical quality

See linked publication.


Staff; NHS

