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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics NHS ophthalmic statistics by year
Area 1[Filtered]
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[Collapse]Measure 1
Measure 2
Click here to sort1996-97Click here to sort1997-98Click here to sort1998-99Click here to sort1999-00Click here to sort2000-01Click here to sort2001-02Click here to sort2002-03Click here to sort2003-04Click here to sort2004-05Click here to sort2005-06Click here to sort2006-07Click here to sort2007-08Click here to sort2008-09Click here to sort2009-10Click here to sort2010-11Click here to sort2011-12Click here to sort2012-13Click here to sort2013-14Click here to sort2014-15Click here to sort2015-16Click here to sort2016-17Click here to sort2017-18Click here to sort2018-19Click here to sort2019-20Click here to sort2020-21Click here to sort2021-22Click here to sort2022-23Click here to sort2023-24
[Expand]All sight tests paid for by the NHSPaid for by the NHSErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorError
[Expand]Total vouchers reimbursedBefore 2016-17 prisoners on leave was incorrectly included as an eligibility category. These figures have been removed where possible, however for some years the sum of individual categories may not add up to the total.ErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorError
[Expand]Total claims for repairs or replacementsErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorError



NHS ophthalmic statistics

Last update

14 August 2024 14 August 2024

Next update

To be confirmed

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

Number of sight tests and vouchers

Data collection and calculation

Data is sourced from ophthalmic payments systems, maintained by primary care services in NHS Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP).

Prior to 2023-24, similar services to Wales General Ophthalmic Services (WGOS) 1 were offered through GOS 1 and GOS 6 claims. For WGOS optical vouchers, similar services were offered through GOS 3 and GOS 4.

Sight test data collected through WGOS 1 is subject to some estimation. Due to the scale of the number of sight tests, the information from only 1 in 50 sight tests is recorded to a database. This means that the information from that sample is scaled up to estimate the number of sight tests by eligibility criteria.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

The period this data covers is the financial year 1996-97 onwards.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical publication, as per the given weblink.


Statistical Release:


Ophthalmic; Eye Care; General Ophthalmic Service; GOS; Sight Tests; Eye; Optician;

