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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Number of deliveries in Wales by delivery method and length of stay
LHB 1[Filter]
Year1 April to 31 March [Filtered]
Area Code[Filter]
[Collapse]Stay LengthThis is calculated as the number of days from the start of the mother\'s spell in hospital to the day she leaves, i.e. the total ante- and post-natal stay. A duration of less than 1 day means the mother left hospital on the same day she arrived. [Filter]
Stay Length 1
[Collapse]Delivery methodCaesarean, Instrumental, Unassisted or Other [Filter]
[Collapse]Delivery method 1
Delivery method 2
[Collapse]Total staysClick here to sortTotal stays
Click here to sortLess than 1Click here to sort1 - 3Click here to sort4 - 6Click here to sort7 or over
[Collapse]All delivery methods3,17320,8074,5291,65530,164
All delivery methods[Collapse]All caesarean265,0581,9888707,942
All caesareanElective caesarean162,7524182163,402
Emergency caesarean102,3061,5706544,540
[Collapse]All instrumental582,7097992603,826
All instrumentalForceps cephalic181,5995381842,339
[Collapse]Other deliveriesIncludes breech extraction, other breech, cephalic vaginal delivery with abnormal presentation of head, and caesarean hysterectomy.Other deliveriesIncludes breech extraction, other breech, cephalic vaginal delivery with abnormal presentation of head, and caesarean hysterectomy.5582314100



Length of stay by method of delivery

Last update

16 December 2015 16 December 2015

Next update

December 2016

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Maternity data, Patient Episode Database for Wales, NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS)

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

Length of stay by method of delivery

Data collection and calculation

Source: Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW);

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2009-10 to 2014-15

Users, uses and context

Please refer to statistical publication, see link in Weblinks.

Statistical quality

Please refer to statistical publication, see link in Weblinks.


maternity; births; deliveries

