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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Number of deliveries by NHS Trust, length of stay and delivery method
[Collapse]Delivery method[Filter]
[Collapse]Delivery method 1[Filter]
Delivery method 2[Filter]
StayLength 1
Trust 1
[Collapse]Total staysClick here to sortTotal stays
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WalesAbertawe Bro Morgannwg University6764,0347343215,765
Cardiff and Vale6474,0748622725,855
Cwm Taf3713,0355541514,111
Gwent Healthcare4704,0661,1112685,915
Hywel Dda3562,1314651423,094
North Wales3833,2978952624,837
North West Wales1251,455358792,017
Powys Teaching LHBPowys did not record any caesarean or instrumental deliveries from 2001-02 onwards.<br />This is because Powys does not have a District General Hospital with a large maternity unit, the small maternity units they do have are suitable for low risk pregnancies only.  Any pregnancy considered high risk would normally be sent to a District General Hospital in a neighbouring Trust.124501.The data item is not applicable175


Hlth0613: Length of stay by method of delivery

HSA1, National Assembly for Wales

Last Update: 10/02/10;
Was added to StatsWales: 10/02/10;

Next Update: March 2011;
Will be added to StatsWales by: March 2011;

Source: Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW);

maternity, births, deliveries

