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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Hospital and Community Health Services complaints by subject and year
Organisation 1[Filter]
Subject 1
Click here to sort2003-04Click here to sort2004-05Click here to sort2005-06Click here to sort2006-07Click here to sort2007-08Click here to sort2008-09
TotalAdmission, discharge and transfer arrangements215199176201200287
Aids, appliances, equipment and premises1461421041058386
Outpatient appointmentsDelay or cancellation438594475371435559
Inpatient appointmentsDelay or cancellation158164170145184227
Attitude of staff396421450433390470
All aspects of clinical treatment1,3521,3581,4991,6421,8632,078
Written and oral communication326305362419410451
Consent to treatment39791144
Complaints handling0233514
Patients: privacy and dignity475231444153
Patients: property and expenses121915201518
Local Health Board purchasingIncluding ECRs and waiting lists44157129156133140
Independent sector services purchased by LHBs039123
Independent sector services purchased by Trusts0518250
Personal recordsIncluding medical and complaints402835284636
Failure to follow procedure483213212541
Patients: status, discriminationeg. race, gender, age516487
Mortuary and post mortem arrangements831521
Transport (ambulance and other)183206276178189171
Policy and commercial decisions15629122329
Code of openness complaints200010
Hotel service (incl food)537576544643


Hlth1703: H&CHS Complaints by Subject

HSA, Welsh Assembly Government

Last update: 14 October 2009
Was added to StatsWales: 14 October 2009.
Next update: October 2010
Will be added to StatsWales: October 2010.

Information is compiled from the KO41(A) return. All complaints which go into writing at any stage of the complaints procedure should be recorded on the KO41 returns. The KO41(A) return collects information about complaints relating to hospital and community health services.


