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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Hospital and Community Health Services complaints by organisation and subject
Subject 1
Organisation 1
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortAdmission, discharge and transfer arrangementsClick here to sortAids, appliances, equipment and premisesClick here to sortOutpatient appointmentsDelay or cancellationClick here to sortInpatient appointmentsDelay or cancellationClick here to sortAttitude of staffClick here to sortAll aspects of clinical treatmentClick here to sortWritten and oral communicationClick here to sortConsent to treatmentClick here to sortComplaints handlingClick here to sortPatients: privacy and dignityClick here to sortPatients: property and expensesClick here to sortLocal Health Board purchasingIncluding ECRs and waiting listsClick here to sortIndependent sector services purchased by LHBsClick here to sortIndependent sector services purchased by TrustsClick here to sortPersonal recordsIncluding medical and complaintsClick here to sortFailure to follow procedureClick here to sortPatients: status, discriminationeg. race, gender, ageClick here to sortMortuary and post mortem arrangementsClick here to sortTransport (ambulance and other)Click here to sortPolicy and commercial decisionsClick here to sortCode of openness complaintsClick here to sortHotel service (incl food)Click here to sortOther
WalesBetsi Cadwaladr ULHB521486301173341020050010590012007765
Powys Teaching LHB073081370010320530000001163
Hywel Dda LHB6314147497034387108846008922333091341,036
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg ULHB12223193631232595800832001230023051271,006
Cwm Taf LHB203262202045320804002170000006367
Aneurin Bevan LHB44147152794694230161001300010214803
Cardiff & Vale ULHB46127221783637640651013000000627721
Welsh Ambulance Services5011057310000000001019100061330
Velindre NHS Trust108041410001000010003000244
Public Health Wales03508017000000000000000740


Hlth1707: H&CHS Complaints by Subject

HSA, Welsh Assembly Government

Last update: 21 September 2011
Was added to StatsWales: 21 September 2011

Information is compiled from the KO41(A) return. All complaints which go into writing at any stage of the complaints procedure should be recorded on the KO41 returns. The KO41(A) return collects information about complaints relating to hospital and community health services.


