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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Waiting times by date April 07 to March 08
[Collapse]Site 1[Filter]
Site 2[Filter]
[Collapse]Waiting timeWaiting list targets for 2007/08 include, by the end of March 2008 the maximum wait for access to specified diagnostic tests will be 14 weeks and for therapy services will be 24 weeks.[Filter]
Waiting time 1
[Collapse]ServiceEvery Service is not offered by every Trust. If a service is not offered, it is denoted by ..<br /><br />Diagnostic and Therapy services included are as follows with sub-services in brackets.<br />	Diagnostic Services:<br />. Cardiophysiology (Echocardiogram, Stress Test)<br />. Radiology (Barium Enema, C.T., M.R., Non-Obstetric Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine)<br />. Imaging (Fluoroscopy)<br />. Neurophysiology (Electromyography, Nerve conduction studies)<br />. Physiological measurement (Urodynamic tests, Vascular technology)<br /><br />From September 2007<br />. Diagnostic endoscopy (Bronchoscopy, Colonoscopy, Cystoscopy, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, Gastroscopy) <br /><br /><br />	Therapy Services:<br />· Adult Hearing Aids (Consultant, GP)<br />· Occupational Therapy (Learning Disabilities, Adults, Paediatrics, Mental Health)<br />· Physiotherapy (Adults, Paediatrics)<br />· Podiatry (Routine, Urgent)<br />· Arts Therapies (Learning Disabilities, Mental Health)<br />· Dietetics (Adults, Paediatrics)<br />· Speech & Language Therapy (Learning Disabilities, Adults, Paediatrics, Mental Health)<br /><br />[Filter]
[Collapse]Service 1
Service 2
[Collapse]Total WaitingClick here to sortTotal Waiting
Click here to sortUp to 8 weeksClick here to sortOver 8 and up to 14 weeksClick here to sortOver 14 and up to 24 weeksClick here to sortOver 24 weeks
[Collapse]All Services66,10112,3043,835282,242
All Services[Expand]Arts Therapies11002
[Expand]Audiology (Adult hearing aids)First issue of hearing aids only.  Does not include waiting lists for digital upgrades or the second issue of a hearing aid.2,6341,28785704,778
[Expand]Diagnostic EndoscopyWaits for diagnostic Endoscopies reported for the first time from September 20076,5631,312007,875
[Expand]Occupational Therapy1,16631819301,677
[Expand]Physiological measurement840161001,001
[Expand]Radiology - Consultant referral17,0512,0550019,106
[Expand]Radiology - GP referral8,901852009,753
[Expand]Speech Language2,09286051423,468


Hlth0017Target : Diagnostic and Therapy Services Waiting Times

HSA, Welsh Assembly Government

Last update: March 2008 (revisions)
Was Added to StatsWales: 11 June 2008
Next update: None planned
Source: Health Solutions Wales

hospital, waiting times, diagnostic, therapy, nhs

