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Data Provider: Welsh Government Outpatient attendances by treatment function
[Collapse]Organisation 1[Filter]
Organisation 2[Filter]
[Collapse]Treatment Function[Filter]
Treatment Function 1
Click here to sortNew attendancesNew Attendances include any attendance that is the start of the outpatient episode and is the first attendance in a series with the same Consultant or Independent Nurse following a referral (Attendance Category = ‘1’). Patient arrived on time or late and was seen (Attended or DNA = ‘5’ or ‘6’).Click here to sortTotal attendancesTotal Attendances includes all outpatient attendances including new, follow-up and pre-operative assessment attendances (Attendance Category = ‘1’ or ‘2’ or ’3’). Patient arrived on time or late and was seen (Attended or DNA = ‘5’ or ‘6’).Click here to sortRatio of follow-up to new attendancesRatio of follow-up to new attendances is the number of follow-up attendances (Attendance Category = ’2’) divided by new attendances (Attendance Category = ’1’) during the period under review.Click here to sortNew outpatients who did not attendNew outpatients who did not attend (DNA) includes any new attendance (Attendance Category = ‘1’) where the outpatient did not attend and no advanced warning was given (Attended or DNA = ‘3’).Click here to sort Percentage of new appointments where the outpatient did not attendPercentage of new appointments where the outpatient did not attend is calculated by dividing New outpatients who DNA by New appointments and multiplying by 100Click here to sortTotal outpatients who did not attendTotal outpatients who did not attend (DNA) includes any attendance (Attendance Category = ‘1’ or ‘2’ or ‘3’) where the outpatient did not attend and no advanced warning was given (Attended or DNA = ‘3’).Click here to sortPercentage of total appointments where the outpatient did not attendPercentage of total appointments where the outpatient did not attend is calculated by dividing Total outpatients who DNA by Total appointments and multiplying by 100
[Collapse]All Treatment FunctionsIncludes values where the treatment function code was blank or invalid1,884,4026,178,1874.4185,51315.9646,98616.3
All Treatment FunctionsIncludes values where the treatment function code was blank or invalidGeneral Surgery166,339399,8252.513,21712.733,79913.1
Trauma & Orthopaedics304,245929,5863.826,08214.487,39815.3
Oral Surgery71,353166,1752.66,73515.617,96117.2
Restorative Dentistry8,13049,37710.11,06020.44,74315.4
Paediatric Dentistry4,18411,6973.663926.42,22931.6
Plastic Surgery11,35861,1848.484111.15,90114.1
Cardiothoracic Surgery4,27214,7514.726010.21,97219.5
Paediatric Surgery3,0516,5382.348926.81,54837.1
Accident & Emergency3876833.900.013214.9
Pain Management14,20737,3503.31,90520.24,23817.0
General Medicine69,643201,3213.89,99721.229,15020.4
Clinical Haematology24,008231,56417.52,28515.818,03612.9
Clinical Physiology23,41038,2800.61,5505.33,0206.0
Clinical Pharmacology2681,5809.86940.841041.3
Audiological Medicine2,7375,5512.147027.793025.8
Clinical Genetics2665121.82916.34514.3
Palliative Medicine1,1693,9274.78712.739116.5
Respiratory Medicine34,148122,8345.26,33128.518,05222.2
Infectious Diseases3751,0833.84019.414723.9
Genitourinary Medicine7357930.15714.67416.0
Medical Oncology3,76724,84511.21084.99656.3
Nuclear Medicine230.500.000.0
Clinical Neurophysiology7,1078,1060.31,61632.51,62629.8
Paediatric Neurology1,1625,1936.914720.176923.2
Geriatric Medicine18,35960,7694.61,69114.97,67119.7
Dental Medicine Specialties2,2066,1623.620116.796027.0
Medical Ophthalmology340.300.000.0
Obstetrics Hospital Bed4,56512,1233.359319.61,20815.3
Antenatal Clinic52,692195,9365.54,43614.519,05416.5
Postnatal Clinic691503.11529.43630.5
GP Other Than Maternity3,2584,2010.6563.3894.1
Learning Disability1,2687,98610.611915.959512.1
Mental Illness24,806119,8307.65,91433.726,71629.5
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry10,37472,86512.11,47720.910,88620.7
Forensic Psychiatry1,5922,5101.2253.0342.6
Old Age Psychiatry14,39945,4104.31,20813.64,34814.4
Clinical Oncology20,882183,05815.59697.610,7688.7
General Pathology2,5857,5343.846226.71,24222.9
Chemical Pathology2,4116,1883.235121.397221.7
Haematology (non-clinical)33014,51885.4126.56728.1
Medical Microbiology40902.5618.8812.7
Community Medicine.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Nursing Activity21,11192,3376.82,11416.08,62314.6
Joint Consultant Clinics06,2240.000.04124.6


Geographical coverage



Outpatient Attendances

Last update

16 February 2016 16 February 2016

Next update

October 2016 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local health boards

Languages covered

English only

Source 1

Outpatient activity minimum dataset, NHS Wales Informatics Services (NWIS)

General description

The Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset (OP MDS) was introduced in Wales in April 1999. The dataset records patient level information on outpatient activity in the NHS in Wales. The dataset was originally designed to capture consultant led activity but has expanded to capture independent nurse led activity. Information is collected on a monthly basis and held by the NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS).

From 2012-13 onwards, the OP MDS is the source of official statistics for outpatient activity in the NHS in Wales, rather than the previous QS1 return. Although the QS1 was the source of official statistics for 2011-12 we have also published data for 2011-12 from the OP MDS to allow comparisons to be made between the old and current data sources.

The figures provided are based on activity undertaken at hospital sites in Wales. As such, it includes activity delivered by English organisations in Welsh hospitals and excludes activity carried out in England.

Please see the statistical article “Outpatient Activity Minimum Dataset: publication of data and discussion of data quality” for information on the OP MDS, including differences between this data source and the QS1 and also data quality information.

Data collection and calculation

LHBs and Trusts are required to submit monthly OP MDS data to NWIS by the 20th calendar day of the following month. The data is thereafter loaded into the national data base.

NWIS supply this data to Welsh Government annually and the data supplied covers each financial year.

For further information, please read the Statistical Article, as per the given weblink.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Data is shown from 2011-12 onwards.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related Statistical Article, as per the given weblink.

Rounding applied

Percentages and ratios are rounded to 1 decimal place

Revisions information

We plan to revise data for the previous year on an annual basis, at the same time that we release new data. We will take advice from NWIS regarding revisions for previous years. For example, if resubmissions from LHBs/NHS trusts are large, the data will be revised. Revised data will be highlighted in the StatsWales table as such.

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related Statistical Article, as per the given weblink.


Statistical Article Outpatient activity minimum dataset: publication of data and discussion of data quality:


Outpatient; Outpatients; Patients; Appointments; Attendances; Hospital;

