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Data Provider: Welsh Government NHS beds summary data by year
[Collapse]SpecialtyEach bed and patient attendance is classified by specialty. In previous years, specialties were aggregated to speciality groups in the StatsWales table. However user feedback has indicated that these specialty groups were little used, and therefore data are no longer presented by specialty groups, and a new StatsWales table has been created to reflect this. However the individual specialties themselves can be aggregated if needed to align with those speciality groups presented in the NHS Wales Data Dictionary. [Filtered]
[Collapse]Specialty 1[Filtered]
Specialty 2[Filter]
Click here to sortAverage daily available bedsAverage daily number of staffed beds in which inpatients are being or could be treated without any change in facilities or staff being made. On some occasions, \'average daily occupied beds\' may exceed \'average daily available beds\'. In these instances \'percentage occupancy\' has been set to 100%.Click here to sortAverage daily occupied bedsAverage daily number of beds occupied by inpatients under the care of a consultant in a particular specialty. On some occasions, \'average daily occupied beds\' may exceed \'average daily available beds\'. This can be due to both patient management as well as recording methods. In these instances \'percentage occupancy\' has been set to 100%.Click here to sortAverage duration of stayThe length of time, on average, each inpatient physically occupied a bed (in days). Calculated by multiplying \'average daily occupied beds\' by 365 and dividing by \'inpatient cases\'. Care should be taken when using these figures if the corresponding \'inpatient cases\' is small, because this may result in a large value due to the calculation performed. Data for this field is not published from 2012-13. More detail is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sortBed use factorAverage number of patients using each bed during the period under review. Calculated by dividing \'inpatient cases\' by \'average daily available beds. Care should be taken when using these figures if the corresponding \'average daily available beds\' is small, because this may result in a large value due to the calculation performed. Data for this field is not published from 2012-13. More detail is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sortInpatient cases (deaths and discharges)All inpatients who have gone through the full admission procedure as an emergency or those admitted electively with the intention of staying in hospital at least one night and who have subsequently been discharged (or transferred to another hospital) or have died in hospital. Infants born in a maternity department, healthy persons accompanying inpatients and sick staff treated in their own quarters are not included. Data for this field is not published from 2012-13. More detail is provided in the notes section below.Click here to sortPercentage occupancyPercentage of time that beds are occupied. Calculated by multiplying \'average daily occupied beds\' by 100 and dividing by \'average daily available beds\'. On some occasions, \'average daily occupied beds\' may exceed \'average daily available beds\'. In these instances \'percentage occupancy\' has been set to 100%. Care should be taken when using these figures if the corresponding \'average daily available beds\' is small, because this may result in a large value due to the calculation performed.Click here to sortTurnover intervalThe average length of time, in days, that the bed is empty between each patient. Calculated multiplying \'average daily unoccupied beds\' by 365 and dividing by \'inpatient cases\'. On some occasions, \'average daily occupied beds\' may exceed \'average daily available beds\', leading to a negative value for \'turnover interval\'. Care should be taken when using these figures if the corresponding \'inpatient cases\' is small, because this may result in a large value due to the calculation performed. Data for this field is not published from 2012-13. More detail is provided in the notes section below.
2012-13Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2012-13. More information is provided in the notes section below.ErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorError
2013-14Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2013-14. More information is provided in the notes section below.ErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorError
2014-15Data for deaths and discharges, average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor is not published for 2014-15. More information is provided in the notes section below.ErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorErrorError



NHS beds summary data since 1989-90

Last update

27 October 2015 27 October 2015

Next update

October 2016 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

QueSt1 return, NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS)

Source 2

NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS)

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

This table presents information provided by the NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS) on bed use in Wales since 1989-90.

The data do not present data on average length of stay, turnover interval and bed use factor. These indicators are calculated using data on deaths and discharges which is no longer collected via the QS1 return, and need to be derived from the Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW) for 2012-13 onwards. When carrying out more detailed analysis of the deaths and discharges data from PEDW in preparation for the 2012-13 release, data quality issues arose in relation to assessment unit (AU) activity reporting in QS1 and in PEDW and how this should be treated in the data. It was identified that there is inconsistency in the reporting of assessment units, with some LHBs reporting AU activity within their beds data, and others omitting them. Although this inconsistency in the reporting of AU activity was only recently identified, it is likely that historic data could also be affected.

Please find information on changes to the data published on NHS beds, as per the given weblink.

Data collection and calculation

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Provides data on bed use in Wales since 1989-90.

Users, uses and context

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.


Beds; patients

