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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Waste managed (tonnes) by management method and year
Management 1
Click here to sort2012-13Click here to sort2013-14Click here to sort2014-15
[Expand]Total Municipal Waste Collected/Generated1,553,5121,557,2291,543,357
[Expand]Total Waste Reused/Recycled/Composted (Statutory Target)Total waste reused/recycled/composted as defined by the Statutory Local Authority Recovery Target (LART)811,866846,091868,079
[Expand]Waste sent for other recoveryOther waste sent for recycling and/or composting that is not included in the statutory target definition1,8024,5324,924
[Expand]Waste Incinerated with Energy Recovery71,88889,907182,961
[Expand]Waste Incinerated without Energy Recovery364341245
[Expand]Waste Landfilled640,904587,390453,497
[Expand]Percentage of Waste Reused/Recycled/Composted (Statutory Target)Total waste reused/recycled/composted (as defined by the Statutory Local Authority Recovery Target, LART), as a percentage of total municipal waste collected/generated52.354.356.2



Local Authority Municipal Waste Management, 2012-13 onwards

Last update

Last update: Jan 2015 Last update: Jan 2015

Next update

Nov 2016 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

WasteDataFlow, Natural Resources Wales

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

Data on municipal waste was collected using an online reporting system for waste data called 'WasteDataFlow'. In Wales, this is managed by Natural Resources Wales.

There is an apparent discrepancy between the total waste figures given for the 'Waste managed (tonnes)' table and other tables. This is because there is a slight mismatch between the amount collected and the amount treated. This can be a matter of timing if, for example, authorities stockpile waste for later treatment. There may also be some inconsistencies in the measurement since the waste is weighed when collected and again when it is sent for treatment.

Data collection and calculation

Natural Resources Wales validate all local authority returns and require that the difference between the amount collected and the amount sent for treatment must not differ by more than 10 per cent in any quarter.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2012-13 onwards


Local Authority Municipal Waste

