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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Waste generated (tonnes) by source and year
[Collapse]Management 1
[Collapse]Management 2
Management 3
Click here to sort2012-13Click here to sort2013-14Click here to sort2014-15
[Collapse]Total Municipal Waste Collected/Generated1,553,5121,557,2291,543,357
Total Municipal Waste Collected/Generated[Collapse]Municipal Waste Reused/Recycled517,447544,330563,342
Municipal Waste Reused/Recycled[Expand]Household Waste Reused/RecycledRubble and plasterboard are counted as non-household waste in recycling totals, even if they were collected from household sources.(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. In the revised figure, rubble and plasterboard are counted as non-household waste in recycling totals, even if they were collected from household sources.419,894(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. In the revised figure, rubble and plasterboard are counted as non-household waste in recycling totals, even if they were collected from household sources.431,205446,775
[Expand]Non-Household Waste Reused/RecycledRubble and plasterboard are counted as non-household waste in recycling totals, even if they were collected from household sources.(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. In the revised figure, rubble and plasterboard are counted as non-household waste in recycling totals, even if they were collected from household sources.97,553(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. In the revised figure, rubble and plasterboard are counted as non-household waste in recycling totals, even if they were collected from household sources.113,125116,568
[Collapse]Municipal Waste Composted282,378289,988290,114
Municipal Waste Composted[Expand]Household Waste Composted264,264276,510276,495
[Expand]Non-Household Waste Composted18,11313,47713,619
[Collapse]Residual Household Waste666,748641,548600,810
Residual Household Waste[Expand]Regular Kerbside498,656452,117433,076
[Expand]Bulky Collections6,7916,3555,257
[Expand]Civic Amenity Sites96,43798,62096,923
[Expand]Street Cleaning50,52845,23244,167
[Collapse]Residual Non-Household Waste86,93981,36489,090
Residual Non-Household Waste[Expand]Civic Amenity Sites3,2441,5992,640
[Expand]Commercial and Industrial70,26967,80368,860
[Expand]Construction and Demolition1,537237240



Local Authority Municipal Waste Management Materials data, 2012-13 onwards

Last update

February 2016 February 2016

Next update

October 2016 (provisional)

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

WasteDataFlow, Natural Resources Wales

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

Household waste includes regular household collections, civic amenity site waste, waste collected for recycling/composting and waste from special collections, such as collections of bulky household waste. Where local authorities collect non-household waste (i.e. from a business, school etc.) in the same collection round as household waste, it may not be possible for them to provide an accurate split between the household and non-household waste collected. Non-household waste prepared for reuse/recycled/composted includes local authority collected materials from commercial sources. This includes waste collected by private and voluntary organisations. Local authority municipal waste includes waste collected from household and non-household sources, but excludes abandoned vehicles.

Data collection and calculation

Data on municipal waste was collected using an online reporting system for waste data called 'WasteDataFlow'. In Wales, this is managed by Natural Resources Wales. From 2009-10, an expanded breakdown of materials by type was collected by WDF and this is shown here. There may be some discrepancies in the tables, where the components do not sum up to the totals. These discrepancies are due to rounding.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2012-13 onwards


Local Authority Municipal Waste

