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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Packaging waste recovered or recycled by year

The EC Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste 94/62/EC seeks to reduce the impact of packaging and packaging waste on the environment by introducing recovery and recycling targets for packaging waste, and by encouraging minimisation and reuse of packaging. Most forms of packaging are recyclable even where composite materials are used. Note: 'Percentage recycled' data only available at UK level.

[Collapse]AreaData do not exist for each indicator against all the time periods and areas available in this dataset.[Filtered]
[Collapse]Area 1[Filtered]
[Collapse]Area 2[Filtered]
[Collapse]Area 3[Filtered]
Area 4[Filter]
PeriodData do not exist for each indicator against all the time periods and areas available in this dataset.[Filtered]
[Collapse]IndicatorEach series of indicators is related to an indicator heading against which no data are stored, but which are used to link to the relevant indicator report, and increase the readability of tables.[Filtered]
[Collapse]Indicator 1
[Collapse]Indicator 2
Indicator 3
Click here to sort2006Click here to sort2007Click here to sort2008Click here to sort2009Click here to sort2010Click here to sort2011
[Collapse]Packaging waste recovered or recycled:Metadata for this indicator can be found in the relevant indicator report (see <a href=~The data item is not yet available~The data item is not yet available~The data item is not yet available~The data item is not yet available~The data item is not yet available~The data item is not yet available
Packaging waste recovered or recycled:Metadata for this indicator can be found in the relevant indicator report (see <a href=[Collapse]- Kilotonnes recovered: total[Expand]- Kilotonnes recovered: total369385376332407382
[Collapse]- Kilotonnes recycled: total369376366321399381
- Kilotonnes recycled: total[Expand]- Kilotonnes recycled: paper2781191320
[Expand]- Kilotonnes recycled: glass4250769810861
[Expand]- Kilotonnes recycled: aluminium565478
[Expand]- Kilotonnes recycled: steel879610045100125
[Expand]- Kilotonnes recycled: plastic933437
[Expand]- Kilotonnes recycled: wood199213170161168159
[Collapse]- Percentage recovered: total[Expand]- Percentage recovered: total..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Collapse]- Percentage recycled: total..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
- Percentage recycled: total[Expand]- Percentage recycled: paper..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Expand]- Percentage recycled: glass..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Expand]- Percentage recycled: aluminium..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Expand]- Percentage recycled: steel..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Expand]- Percentage recycled: plastic..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available
[Expand]- Percentage recycled: wood..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available


Envt0001: State of the Environment Report Indicators

Knowledge & Analytical Services, Welsh Government

Last updated: 25 Jul 2012
Was added to StatsWales: 24 Jul 2008

Next update: Jul 2013

Source: See notes against each indicator for source details

The State of the Environment report presents data on the indicators that monitor progress against the Welsh Government's Environment Strategy. The full set of data, analysis, and notes on all of the indicators are available here through our StatsWales website. On StatsWales, the indicators are presented in a series of online reports which are also linked to data tables which users can then manipulate and/or download.

The statistics come from a range of sources in Wales and across the UK, which are updated at different times and intervals. The StatsWales reports will be updated twice a year in July and December and these updates will be highlighted through a pre-announced headline statistics published on our website. A statistical bulletin showing the status of each indicator will be produced annually in July to provide a snapshot of progess across all the indicators.

The contribution of data and information by organisations which monitor the environment is gratefully acknowledged. Although most indicators are currently measured, some further work is planned to develop the other indicators and in some cases to identify more appropriate indicators, as indicated in the StatsWales reports.

The symbol '-' is used where the data is less than half the final digit shown. This may or may not be a real zero.

Unless otherwise stated, the data in these tables and indicator reports are classed as National Statistics.

State of the Environment

