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Data Provider: Welsh Government Recorded fly-tipping incidents by size

These figures are published as Official Statistics. The total number of fly-tipping incidents recorded by local authorities in Wales should be greater or equal to the total number of fly-tipping incidents by size, as it relates to the fly-tipping incidents cleared by the local authority only, not those cleared by others. However, after carrying out quality assurance checks on historic data this was found not to be the case for 2007-08 and 2010-11. To ensure this issue doesn’t occur in future years, validation processes will be improved to ensure consistency between data relating to incidents recorded by local authorities and incidents cleared by local authorities.

Area 1[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
Click here to sort2006-07Click here to sort2007-08Click here to sort2008-09Click here to sort2009-10Click here to sort2010-11Click here to sort2011-12Click here to sort2012-13Click here to sort2013-14Click here to sort2014-15
Single black bag7,56413,7947,7774,2203,9103,9124,4341,605(..) One Local Authority (Cardiff) was unable to provide data for June 2014.1,362
Single item14,99614,96712,22310,2448,2415,7914,4605,836(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.6,148
Car boot or less9,77913,17712,42612,47711,6778,5057,3948,301(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.8,940
Small van load12,48913,09512,79413,32711,66711,28311,77610,793(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.8,677
Transit van load6,6267,1866,7745,7224,8004,5464,6654,300(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.4,899
Tipper lorry load2,3542,3912,4021,8531,4431,3351,0141,288(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.1,057
Significant / multi loads446362316276135207193129(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales.119



Recorded fly-tipping incidents in Wales, by local authority

Last update

Last update: March 2016
Was added to StatsWales: February 2013
Last update: March 2016
Was added to StatsWales: February 2013

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Flycapture, Environment Agency

Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

General description

Flycapture is the national database of fly-tipping incidents and enforcement action that was set up by Defra, the Environment Agency and the Local Government Association to record the incidents and cost of illegally dumped waste dealt with by local authorities.

Data collection and calculation

The costs on the Flycapture database for the size categories (single items, single black bags, car boot or less, small van loads and transit van loads) are set in the system based on national averages calculated when the system went live in April 2004. For the other categories (tipper lorry loads and significant multiple loads), the costs are entered by the local authority. As these costs vary, a rise or decrease in incidents will not necessarily have the same rise or decrease in costs; i.e. an increase in smaller incidents and a decrease in larger incidents will give a significant difference in rise of costs.

It should be noted that prosecutions do not necessarily take place in the same year as the relevant fly-tipping incident occurs.

Successful outcomes include: conditional discharge, community service, fine, custodial sentence and other successful outcomes.

Whilst fly-tipping figures are no longer designated as “National Statistics”, they continue to be published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2006-07 onwards



