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Data Provider: Welsh Government Experimental Statistics Educational attainment of young people: cohort size by gender and year
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CohortCohorts of young people are referred to by the academic year in which they are of academic age 19. For example, young people aged 19 in 2006/07 were 19 on 31st August 2006 and were born in the time period 1st September 1986 - 31st August 1987.<br /><br />The cohort is defined as all pupils of age 14 in schools in Wales, including those living in England and attending a school in Wales. This does not include pupils living in Wales but attending a school in England. For example, the cohort size for the cohort aged 19 in 2006/07 is the number of pupils of age 14 in schools in Wales in 2001/02.[Filter]
Gender 1
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EDUC0120: Educational attainment of young people: cohort size by cohort and gender

ELLS, Welsh Government

Last update: December 2010 Next update: April 2013 (provisional) Will be added to StatsWales by: April 2013 (provisional) Source: Key Stage 4 to 5 Examination Results, National Information System for Vocational Qualifications, Lifelong Learning Wales Record Contact: These data have been obtained by matching together datasets of school, further education and work-based learning awards to gain a complete picture of attainment. This analysis was published for the first time in May 2009, with data through to the year 2006/07. This replaces that earlier analysis, providing two more recent years of data, but also provides new data for earlier years. The statistics are still regarded as experimental, and we welcome any feedback on the approach. Further information on data sources, methodology, definitions and the quality of these statistics can be found in the notes of the statistical release.

