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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Student enrolments, as at 1 December, on ITT courses leading to Qualified Teacher Status at Welsh HEIs by level and year
[Collapse]GenderFrom 2007/08 total persons includes those of indeterminate and unknown gender. [Filtered]
Gender 1[Filter]
YearFrom 2007/08 students who are studying at the Open University and funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) will be included in the figures. [Filter]
StatusFigures for first year students include those entering both types of courses in one academic yearFigures for all students include those on first degree courses that started in previous academic years as well as those entering both type of courses. See also table notes. [Filter]
[Collapse]LevelPostgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or First Degree leading to Qualified Teaching Status [Filter]
Level 1
Click here to sort1994/95Click here to sort1995/96Click here to sort1996/97Click here to sort1997/98Click here to sort1998/99Click here to sort1999/2000Click here to sort2000/01Click here to sort2001/02Click here to sort2002/03Click here to sort2003/04Click here to sort2004/05Click here to sort2005/06Click here to sort2006/07Click here to sort2007/08Click here to sort2008/09Click here to sort2009/10Click here to sort2010/11Click here to sort2011/12Click here to sort2012/13Click here to sort2013/14
First year students[Collapse]All2,2802,2952,2802,2002,1752,2552,3652,3402,3402,3402,3602,2702,1552,0451,9901,8801,7401,7351,6601,550
AllPGCEPGCE includes Postgraduate Certificate of Education and the undergraduate qualification, Professional Graduate Certificate of Education.1,3301,3351,3951,3601,3301,3851,5351,4801,5201,5501,5251,4951,4401,4001,3651,3951,3301,3351,2651,190
First Degree950965890840845865830860815790830770715645620480405395395365
All students[Collapse]All5,2155,0904,7504,4254,3053,7653,8603,8553,8653,8103,7753,7403,6203,3903,2403,0152,6952,5252,3702,255
AllPGCEPGCE includes Postgraduate Certificate of Education and the undergraduate qualification, Professional Graduate Certificate of Education.1,3301,3451,4001,3651,3401,4101,5451,5051,5401,5751,5451,5251,4851,4401,4251,4351,3551,3751,3101,225
First Degree3,8853,7453,3503,0602,9652,3552,3102,3502,3252,2352,2302,2152,1351,9501,8151,5801,3401,1501,0601,025



Students on Initital Teacher Training courses leading to QTS at Welsh HEIs

Last update

September 2015 September 2015

Next update

March 2016

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Higher education student record, Higher Education Statistics Agency

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English only

General description

Last update: September 2015
Was added to StatsWales: September 2015
Next update: March 2016
Will be added to StatsWales by: March 2016 (provisional)
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

This table provides information about enrolments on courses of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) provided through Welsh higher education institutions.

To teach as a qualified teacher in a maintained school or non-maintained special school in Wales or England, students need to obtain QTS. Students can do this by either undertaking a first degree course which combines a degree - usually a BEd, BA or BSc - with QTS or by completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) course which leads to QTS. There are alternative employment-based routes to obtaining QTS but these are not covered in this bulletin.

Figures represent enrolments at December 1st and have been rounded to the nearest 5. From 2007/08 the December population will not include students who are on sabbatical or writing-up.

Care should be taken when comparing data on all students over time since courses lengths can vary. For example, many previously 4 year first degree courses are now 3 year courses.

Data collection and calculation

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Figures represent enrolments at December 1st

Users, uses and context

Each year the Welsh Government sets intake targets for recruitment to ITT courses in Wales. There has been a year on year decline in first year enrolments on ITT courses in Wales in recent years, but this must be viewed in the context of the policy to reduce the number of new entrants to ITT courses. In 2011/12 the intake targets were reduced to 750 enrolments for Primary phase and 1,030 for Secondary phase.

Rounding applied

Data are rounded to the nearest 5.

Statistical quality

Care should be taken when comparing data on all students over time since courses lengths can vary. For example, many previously 4 year first degree courses are now 3 year courses.



