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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Special Service Incidents attended by Fire and Rescue Service
Area 1[Filter]
Count 1
[Collapse]Special Service[Filter]
[Collapse]Special Service 1
Special Service 2
[Expand]Click here to sortIncidents[Collapse]Total casualtiesClick here to sortTotal casualties
Click here to sortFatalitiesClick here to sortNon-fatal casualties
[Collapse]All Special Service incidents8,8882083,2243,432
All Special Service incidents[Expand]Road Traffic Collision2,564641,6221,686
[Expand]Other Transport incident454913
[Expand]Rescue or evacuation from water8082937
[Expand]Other rescue/release of people22847175
[Expand]Animal assistance incidents351011
[Expand]Hazardous materials incident19818384
[Expand]Spills and leaks21701111
[Expand]Making Safe2585914
[Expand]Lift release346099
[Expand]Effecting entry556123143
[Expand]Removal of objects from people30403333
[Expand]Suicide/attempted suicide7612820
[Expand]Medical incident - Co-responder/First responder2,382721,1371,209
[Expand]Water provision6000
[Expand]Assist other agencies45123143166
[Expand]Advice only133011
[Expand]Services not Required20031114
[Expand]All Special Service False Alarms400.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable



Special Service Incidents by Fire and Rescue Services in Wales

Last update

July 2015 July 2015

Next update

July 2016

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Fire incident recording system, Department for Communities and Local Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Fire and rescue authorities

Geographical coverage

Fire and rescue authorities

Languages covered

English only

General description

Table shows numbers of Special Service Incidents (and the associated casualties) attended by Fire and Rescue Services in Wales. Data are shown by type of incident and Fire and Rescue Service Area.
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government.

2009-10 data were extracted from IRS n May 2011.
2010-11 data were extracted from IRS in May 2012.
2011-12 data were extracted from IRS in May 2013.
2012-13 data were extracted from IRS in May 2014.
2013-14 and 2014-15 data were extracted from IRS in June 2015.

2014-15 data are provisional and will be updated in July 2016.


Data collection and calculation

Data were collected via the Incident Recording System (IRS).

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2009-10 data were extracted from IRS n May 2011.
2010-11 data were extracted from IRS in May 2012.
2011-12 data were extracted from IRS in May 2013.
2012-13 data were extracted from IRS in May 2014.
2013-14 and 2014-15 data were extracted from IRS in June 2015.

2014-15 data are provisional and will be updated in July 2016.

Revisions information

Data for 2014-15 are provisional and will be revised July 2016

Statistical quality

Since 2009-10 data have been extracted from the Incident Recording System (IRS). This is a live system and consequently it is possible that data extracted at a different time may not match the figures in this table. For instance the data published in the Performance Indicator tables are extracted in July and so are unlikely to match exactly those presented here.


Fire, Special Service Incident, SSI

