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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information Partnership members by organisation and the sectors represented
[Collapse]CF AreaCommunities First Area[Filter]
[Collapse]CF Area 1[Filter]
CF Area 2[Filter]
SectorCommunities First Partnerships are expected to be working towards the \'three thirds\' principle with one third of the partnership representing each of the following sectors: Community sector; Voluntary and Business sectors; Statutory sector.   Partnerships are therefore asked to record the sector that each of their members represents within this section of the annual monitoring report.<br />[Filter]
[Collapse]OrganisationA list of the key statutory and voluntary organisations is included within the annual monitoring report and partnerships are required to report on how they are working with these organisations[Filter]
Organisation 1
Click here to sortCommunityClick here to sortVoluntaryClick here to sortBusinessClick here to sortStatutory
[Collapse]All Partnership Members1,570600184981
All Partnership MembersCommunity representative1,457142931
Local Authority3482470
Police.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable143
Fire Service.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable17
School14.The data item is not applicable41
LHB/NHS Trust.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable164
County Voluntary Council5108214
Local Business7121492
Local Nursery15.The data item is not applicable7
Local Primary School1.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable43
Local Secondary School2.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable33
Local College (16-18).The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable6
Local further/higher education establishment.The data item is not applicable7228
Local Credit Union11531


COMF0005: Partnership members and the organisations and sectors they represent 2008-09

Welsh Assembly Government

Last Update: 13 Jan 2011
Was added to StatsWales: 13 Jan 2011

Next Update: Feb 2011 (provisional)
Will be added to StatsWales: Feb 2011 (provisional)

Source: Communities First Areas Annual Monitoring Reports submitted to the Welsh Assembly Government


This dataset shows the number of outcomes that partnerships are working towards according to the Primary Vision Framework Headings that they address. This data is broken down by the level of progress that has been made towards outcomes that address each of the Vision Framework Headings.

Communities First is the Welsh Assembly Government's flagship programme to improve the living conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.

For further information about the Communities First Programme please see the Welsh Assembly Government: <a href= target=_blank>here.</a>

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the Communities First Programme, Communities First Partnerships are required to submit Annual Monitoring Reports to the Welsh Assembly Government. The tables within this section display the data that was returned in the Annual Monitoring Reports from Communities First Partnerships for the financial year 2008/09. It should be noted that the data displayed is for Communities First Partnerships only and does not contain data for central teams and support activities across Communities First areas, which are dealt with separately.

There is information about the data (metadata) linked to each table, which provides further detail, for example the source of the data and a brief abstract of the data provided.

Communities First

