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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Gross Value Added by area and industry
[Collapse]IndustryClassification of industry based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) 2007 [Filter]
[Collapse]Industry 1
[Collapse]Industry 2
Industry 3
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
[Collapse]All industriesClick here to sortAll industries
[Expand]Click here to sortAgriculture, forestry and fishing[Expand]Click here to sortProduction[Expand]Click here to sortConstruction[Expand]Click here to sortWholesale, retail, transport, hotels and food[Expand]Click here to sortInformation and communication[Expand]Click here to sortFinancial and insurance activities[Expand]Click here to sortReal estate activities[Expand]Click here to sortProfessional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities[Expand]Click here to sortPublic administration, defence, education and health[Expand]Click here to sortOther service activities
[Expand]United Kingdom including Extra-Regio(p) The data item is provisional.0.7(p) The data item is provisional.14.8(p) The data item is provisional.6.2(p) The data item is provisional.18.1(p) The data item is provisional.6.2(p) The data item is provisional.8.2(p) The data item is provisional.11.6(p) The data item is provisional.12.1(p) The data item is provisional.17.9(p) The data item is provisional.4.3(p) The data item is provisional.100.0
[Collapse]UK excluding Extra-RegioThe UK total excluding any elements of GVA that cannot be assigned to specific regions, i.e. elements that are Extra-regio.  It is the total of the English regions and the three devolved administrations and is the most appropriate aggregation to use when making comparisons between regions and the UK.(p) 0.7(p) 13.7(p) 6.3(p) 18.3(p) 6.3(p) 8.3(p) 11.7(p) 12.3(p) 18.0(p) 4.3(p) 100.0
UK excluding Extra-RegioThe UK total excluding any elements of GVA that cannot be assigned to specific regions, i.e. elements that are Extra-regio.  It is the total of the English regions and the three devolved administrations and is the most appropriate aggregation to use when making comparisons between regions and the UK.[Collapse]England(p) 0.6(p) 12.9(p) 6.2(p) 18.3(p) 6.7(p) 8.7(p) 12.1(p) 12.8(p) 17.1(p) 4.4(p) 100.0
EnglandNorth East(p) 0.7(p) 19.2(p) 6.2(p) 18.3(p) 4.3(p) 4.2(p) 10.5(p) 8.4(p) 24.6(p) 3.6(p) 100.0
North West(p) 0.5(p) 18.1(p) 6.3(p) 19.7(p) 4.4(p) 5.5(p) 10.1(p) 11.8(p) 19.3(p) 4.4(p) 100.0
Yorkshire and the Humber(p) 1.1(p) 17.7(p) 6.5(p) 19.7(p) 3.7(p) 5.7(p) 10.9(p) 9.7(p) 21.4(p) 3.7(p) 100.0
East Midlands(p) 1.2(p) 21.3(p) 6.5(p) 20.4(p) 3.5(p) 3.1(p) 10.5(p) 10.3(p) 19.1(p) 4.1(p) 100.0
West Midlands(p) 0.8(p) 18.5(p) 6.5(p) 20.5(p) 4.0(p) 4.6(p) 11.2(p) 10.3(p) 19.4(p) 4.2(p) 100.0
East(p) 1.3(p) 14.2(p) 8.0(p) 19.7(p) 5.2(p) 4.8(p) 13.1(p) 12.5(p) 16.5(p) 4.8(p) 100.0
London(p) 0.0(p) 4.3(p) 4.7(p) 15.1(p) 10.3(p) 18.9(p) 12.6(p) 16.7(p) 12.7(p) 4.7(p) 100.0
South East(p) 0.5(p) 11.6(p) 6.9(p) 19.6(p) 9.4(p) 5.4(p) 13.1(p) 13.0(p) 15.9(p) 4.7(p) 100.0
South West(p) 1.2(p) 15.4(p) 6.8(p) 17.9(p) 4.1(p) 6.1(p) 13.6(p) 10.4(p) 20.6(p) 4.0(p) 100.0
[Expand]Wales(p) 0.7(p) The data item is provisional.21.2(p) 6.5(p) The data item is provisional.16.5(p) 2.8(p) 4.3(p) 11.2(p) The data item is provisional.7.6(p) The data item is provisional.25.5(p) The data item is provisional.3.8(p) 100.0
[Expand]Scotland(p) 1.2(p) 18.0(p) 6.9(p) 18.4(p) 3.3(p) 7.0(p) 8.7(p) 10.8(p) 21.6(p) 4.1(p) 100.0
[Expand]Northern Ireland(p) 1.2(p) 18.8(p) 5.4(p) 19.7(p) 3.3(p) 4.3(p) 8.8(p) 7.4(p) 27.4(p) 3.8(p) 100.0



Regional Gross Value Added by industry

Last update

9 Dec 2015 9 Dec 2015

Next update

Dec 2016

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Regional Accounts, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

UK regions

Geographical coverage

UK regions

Languages covered

English only

General description

Estimates of workplace based GVA allocate incomes to the region in which the economic activity takes place into different industries, giving the GVA amounts in £ million along with the percentage of 'all industries GVA' for each industry.

Data collection and calculation

Regional GVA is calculated at current basic prices using the income approach. This approach: Adds up all the income earned by resident individuals or corporations in the production of goods and services and is therefore the sum of uses in the generation of income account for the total economy (or alternatively the sum of primary incomes distributed by resident producer units) (National Accounts Concepts, Sources and Methods p206).

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

1997 to 2014

Rounding applied

Figures are rounded and so there may be some apparent slight discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.

Statistical quality

Under the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA95), the term Gross Value Added (GVA) is used to denote estimates that were previously known as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices. Under ESA95 the term GDP denotes GVA plus taxes (less subsidies) on products i.e. at market prices. Regional Accounts publish figures at basic prices so have adopted the term GVA rather than GDP.
Regional GVA is measured in current prices, which means that increases over time reflect inflation as well as real growth. Trends in total GVA cannot be analysed easily without deflating the data. However, there are no regional price indices that could be used to remove the effect of inflation from the figures. Comparison of trends can therefore be based either on the difference between regional increases at current prices or on movements relative to the UK average. Both approaches would be misleading if the rate of inflation in any region were different from the UK average.
Estimates of regional GVA at basic prices presented here are consistent with the 2015 edition of UK National Accounts - The Blue Book.




