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Data Provider: Welsh Government Experimental Statistics Seasonally adjusted workplace based claimant count in Wales and UK by year and measure (experimental statistics)
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Gender 1[Filter]
YearData are annual averages for each calendar year. From May 2013 onwards these figures are not designated as National Statistics and are considered Experimental Statistics.[Filter]
[Collapse]United KingdomClick here to sortUnited Kingdom[Collapse]WalesClick here to sortWales
Click here to sortLevelClick here to sortRate (workforce based)Click here to sortLevelClick here to sortRate (workforce based)
1971648,958..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable
1972719,317..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable
1973511,342..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable
1974514,0921.9.The data item is not applicable..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available.The data item is not applicable
1975789,4752.9.The data item is not applicable48,1833.9.The data item is not applicable
19761,081,9173.9.The data item is not applicable62,6834.9.The data item is not applicable
19771,150,4004.2.The data item is not applicable66,7585.2.The data item is not applicable
19781,133,1674.1.The data item is not applicable69,6255.3.The data item is not applicable
19791,063,6503.8.The data item is not applicable65,7835.0.The data item is not applicable
19801,350,9924.8.The data item is not applicable83,5086.4.The data item is not applicable
19812,152,4427.6.The data item is not applicable125,0929.8.The data item is not applicable
19822,521,8839.0.The data item is not applicable142,91711.5.The data item is not applicable
19832,761,8589.9.The data item is not applicable152,22512.3.The data item is not applicable
19842,887,75010.1.The data item is not applicable159,10012.5.The data item is not applicable
19852,997,25010.3.The data item is not applicable165,99213.1.The data item is not applicable
19863,066,63310.5.The data item is not applicable166,68313.0.The data item is not applicable
19872,779,6179.4.The data item is not applicable146,70011.5.The data item is not applicable
19882,253,1177.6.The data item is not applicable122,7179.4.The data item is not applicable
19891,768,0175.9.The data item is not applicable95,2087.0.The data item is not applicable
19901,648,1335.5.The data item is not applicable85,6176.4.The data item is not applicable
19912,267,8427.6.The data item is not applicable112,0678.5.The data item is not applicable
19922,741,5509.2.The data item is not applicable125,6509.5.The data item is not applicable
19932,876,6429.7.The data item is not applicable129,3759.8.The data item is not applicable
19942,598,5838.8.The data item is not applicable119,0258.9.The data item is not applicable
19952,289,6587.6.The data item is not applicable106,0838.1.The data item is not applicable
19962,087,4927.1.The data item is not applicable100,8757.9.The data item is not applicable
19971,584,4925.3.The data item is not applicable79,3336.1.The data item is not applicable
19981,347,7584.5.The data item is not applicable69,0255.4.The data item is not applicable
19991,248,0584.1.The data item is not applicable64,1425.0.The data item is not applicable
20001,088,4003.5.The data item is not applicable57,2584.4.The data item is not applicable
2001969,9423.1.The data item is not applicable51,2253.9.The data item is not applicable
2002946,6503.0.The data item is not applicable47,0673.5.The data item is not applicable
2003933,0503.0.The data item is not applicable44,6003.3.The data item is not applicable
2004853,3422.7.The data item is not applicable40,2083.0.The data item is not applicable
2005861,7752.7.The data item is not applicable41,2002.9.The data item is not applicable
2006944,9672.9.The data item is not applicable44,2173.1.The data item is not applicable
2007864,4672.6.The data item is not applicable40,6922.8.The data item is not applicable
2008906,0832.7.The data item is not applicable45,5173.2.The data item is not applicable
20091,527,6834.6.The data item is not applicable77,1335.3.The data item is not applicable
20101,496,3584.6.The data item is not applicable73,1925.1.The data item is not applicable
20111,534,4084.7.The data item is not applicable74,8505.2.The data item is not applicable
20121,585,5754.7.The data item is not applicable79,6005.6.The data item is not applicable
20131,421,9314.2.The data item is not applicable72,9255.1.The data item is not applicable
20141,037,5933.0.The data item is not applicable56,8923.9.The data item is not applicable
2015(p) The data item is provisional.800,691(p) The data item is provisional.2.3.The data item is not applicable(p) The data item is provisional.45,272(p) The data item is provisional.3.1.The data item is not applicable



Workplace based claimant count (seasonally adjusted)

Last update

20 Jan 2016 20 Jan 2016

Next update

Jan 2017

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 2

Labour Market Statistics, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


Experimental statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage

United Kingdom

Languages covered

English only

General description

This experimental series counts the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance plus those who claim Universal Credit who are out of work and replaces the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance as the headline indicator of the number of people claiming benefits principally for the reason of being unemployed. From May 2013 onwards these figures are not designated as National Statistics and are considered Experimental Statistics.

Data collection and calculation

The data are annual averages and are adjusted for seasonality and also to take account of past discontinuities in the data to be consistent with current coverage. Rates given in this dataset are workplace based.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

1971 to 2015

Rounding applied

All data are rounded to the nearest 5 and may not precisely add to the sum of the number of people claiming JSA, published on Nomis, and the number of out-of-work people claiming Universal Credit, published by DWP, due to independent rounding.

Statistical quality

There are two standard measures of unemployment used in official UK statistics the UK, namely the claimant count and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) unemployment measure. The measures are different and are each subject to advantages and disadvantages.
The former is a count of all persons claiming unemployment-related benefits. As such it is not subject to sampling variability and can therefore be disaggregated to very high levels of detail. However, it excludes those who are unemployed who are not eligible to claim (for example those out of work but whose partner works), and those who do not wish to claim.
The ILO measure, which is a count of those who are out of work and want a job, have actively sought work in the last 4 weeks and are available to start work in the next two weeks; plus those who are out of work, have found a job and are waiting to start in the next 2 weeks, is a more encompassing measure of unemployment. However, as the data come from a survey, the results are sample-based estimates and therefore subject to differing degrees of sampling variability, i.e. the true value for any measure lies in a differing range about the estimated value. This range or sampling variability increases as the detail in the data increases, for example local authority data are subject to higher variability than Wales data.
Please see the weblink to the data sources guide for further information.


Seasonally adjusted claimant count

